Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year?

Okay, so the new year started.....and I'm swamped. Trying to juggle what Mom needs and kids need and husband needs. Somewhere in there it's supposed to be about me....right? Santa brought me a gorgeous cruiser bike for Christmas and that's going to come in handy with my plan. I hate to call it a resolution because I never seem to keep those. So, I've started a plan. I'm counting calories and so far it's been pretty easy to do. I really want to lose weight. Weight loss never starts in my boobs so running is difficult, but I'm not letting that stop me. I've got my bike, I'm ready to walk, and I'm dancing and driving my teenage boys nuts. But I don't care. I'm tired of being overweight. My husband loves me any way I am (isn't he sweet?) but I want to be healthier. I haven't been able to give blood the last two times I've tried because my blood pressure is too high. Must be the weight. I figure if I put it down in print....I might actually get somewhere with this. So, bear with me....and let's see if I can do this.


vicky said...

I am so proud of you! You should get on your bike and ride all the way to my house! We could have fun!! Tell your family hello. I am going to add you to my blog list!

Human Microbiome Search Engine said...

"I figure if I put it down in print....I might actually get somewhere with this."

Sounds great. I'll be cheering for you. Keep us informed about your progress.
