JT and I are camping this weekend with the family which of course means: Hot dogs, smores, chips, and other assorted camping food that I don't normally eat. Part of what I like doing with this "plan" of mine is that I don't deprive myself of anything. Things I shouldn't eat are eaten in moderation but they are not ignored. Love it. BUT: if I'm going to do something stupid like eat hot dogs and chips, I better have a plan to exercise my butt off. Little did I know that the exercise would have my butt in mind!
We (JT and I) decided to take a hike up this hill that the campground has nicely named the "Hiking Trail". Me being "cocky" thinking I'm much more fit than I am (after all I DO 25 min power walks everyday, how hard could it be??!!) decided to hike this hill this morning and work off that wonderful camping food I was eating. The hill is at a 40 degree angle and looked pretty scary. We walked up that hill (me at a steady pace and stopping several times) fairly quickly. But of course what goes up.......must come down. We walked around the top for a bit and decided we'd head back down. There was another trail down the other side and we decided to go that way instead of the way we came up. As we walked down the much softer dirt trail, I slipped and fell flat on my a$$. O.....M.....G. I hurt so freakin' bad!! My fanny is going to be a bit sore for a few days I'm sure. Lucky for me I'm lopsided and the pain is only on my right side. Go figure!
By the way, I'm still losing. I'm at 52 lbs and counting....(those hot dogs can't be all bad! ha!)
Thanks for reading...