Last night the EB softball team had our first game. We played "Da Freaks" and won 5 - 4. It was really exciting to win the first one. The best part of the game was when Lenny took a DIVE into home to score a run. He was running and tripped and tripped and tripped (I'm sure you can picture this!) and fell a couple of feet short of home....then crawled to hit the plate. He made it and SCORE! I can't play this year so I'm playing manager. I haven't done that before and I'm learning a lot but glad to be part of the team.
Today is Sonoma County's Human Race. I have walked the Human Race every year (but one) for the last 17 years. I love the Human Race because it's a charity walk/run and WE get to chose our own charity. My company has been Corporate Champion for more than a decade. I'm very proud of the money we've raised for various charities around Sonoma County. This year was different. I don't feel well enough to walk so I didn't. I went to cheer on my fellow co-workers but felt a little remiss by not walking. Since I couldn't do it, I had my son run for me. This year he's really been gung ho on running and doing a great job at it. He ran the 10k this morning in 59 minutes. I'm really proud of him!!! (that's Ian in the yellow hat)

This is as close as I can get having my teenager pose for a picture.... :)

As for my daily stuff, I'm still healing. I'm almost 3 weeks post surgery and starting to look more normal. Stitches are healing and falling out, bruising is becoming less evident, sore appears to be healing and I'm finally used to sleeping on my back. I'm still tired everyday and nap for an hour and a half to three hours. Can't seem to shake the "wiped out" feeling after working. I am looking forward to the future.
Tomorrow, some of the perks!
Thanks for reading.