Okay Mama's place....I'm updating for you! :)
I've had a very busy last few weeks. Weight loss has been a struggle. I haven't lost any more, but I haven't gained anything either. Being stagnant is not fun. It's difficult to keep my exercise program going during conferences when I'm busy from 7am til 10pm but I try.
Last week I was in San Antonio, TX. I had a great time at Jeff's (hubby) work conference. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe and for those Big Brother fans, I met Nacomas from one of the first seasons. Very nice girl....she works in the Rock Shop at the Cafe. It was so funny to meet her. I kept staring at her like I knew her but couldn't figure out where. Finally her boss told me who she was.
On Tuesday it was the Texas primaries and we had the Secret Service all over the place in San Antonio. Turns out that Barack Obama was across the street from us! It's not often that you get to hear a Presidential Candidate speak so after Jeff's banquet, we walked over and listened to him. We had to wait an hour or so because he wanted to declare victory or defeat and they didn't decide it Tuesday night. He finally came out and we took pictures. I don't think it matters of you're Democrat or Republican, it was really cool to be there.
We flew home on Wednesday. When I got off the plane in Oakland, my phone rang right away. It was my son. He'd been hit by a pickup truck on his bicycle. YES HE IS OKAY. I rushed home and took him straight to Kaiser Emergency to get checked out. He's pretty banged up and bruised and has a sprained ankle, but he's going to be OK.
Today I'm washing clothes and packing because I leave tomorrow morning at 4am to head to Dallas, TX for my work conference. We have two events while I'm there. Emmitt Smith is the opening speaker and on Tuesday, the Doobie Brothers are playing for our big Conference Party. Should be fun!