Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday day to go.

I'm up! It's 5:30am and it's my last day of work before surgery. I have a lot to do today because I'll be out of work for two weeks. So much to wrap up. I feel a little guilty leaving my staff for that long....but I know they understand.

So many things to do today. Shower with special soap. Put specific things by the night stand "just in case". Specific clothes to wear "after surgery". Oh, and the pictures. Still didn't take the final picture yet. Will do that today. Can't eat or drink after midnight. Must take regular meds with a SIP of water. Yadda yadda yadda....

It's going to be a HOT one today. Almost 90 degrees. If I wasn't sweating it out about the surgery, today I'll just be sweating it out!!

Thanks for reading.

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