Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ian graduates!

I'm so proud of him! He decided what high school he wanted to go to because they had a fantastic arts program. He made it! Four years away from the kids he grew up with, making new friends at Santa Rosa High School. A tough pill for me to swallow since we were so close to Rancho for him to graduate with my old alma mater, I was hoping he'd graduate a COUGAR. Well, he was close....SRHS mascot is the Panther.

He chose to continue his education in Southern California at Fullerton College. Three days after this picture was taken, he moved to So Cal. *sigh*

Safari West

I SWEAR there were birds in that tree!

I'm combining two posts into one. I got to go to Safari West for the first time this year and lucky me, I got to go twice! The first time was a trip for work after we had completed a major project. It was an awesome 'Thank You' and I had a great time. The second time in the fall was for an event called "Twiga at Twilight". It was a benefit for the animals and Twiga is one of their giraffes. Yes, that's me holding the snake (just to give Vicky the willies!!)
And also seated near me is former San Francisco Mayor, Frank Jordan. He was kind enough to take a picture with me....

Friday, September 30, 2011

Yes, girls can do ANYTHING!!

I get a lot of flack sometimes because I ride a bike. I don't mean a bicycle, I mean a MOTORcycle. . The crap I get is usually surrounding taking care of my bike not just riding it!! I've always been great at letting someone else make sure the oil was changed, a tune up was done but this time I really needed it fixed. I rode the bike to Spancky's to see my favorite band and when I went outside at midnight, the battery was dead. Had to get it towed home. Then it sat. For months. So, I did what any respectful biker would do, I drove my car down to my local bike shop and bought a new battery. AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I replaced it! Woo hoo! Girl Power!! lol

Starting over again...

Busy Bren describes me to a T! My last post was at conference in 2010 so I figured I'd add a bit too it.

When I was done speaking at HDI 2010, I got to 'play' for a day at Walt Disney World. Davy Jones from the Monkees was in town for the Flower Power Concert and I just HAD TO!!

My friends and I were selected to play in one of the game shows and we WON of course! Ha! I had to put the most PURSES on him! Well, duh. That was a no brainer. The poor other woman didn't have a chance. ha.

Just be prepared. I'm on vacation and have 25 blog posts to update with! I'm on a ROLLLLLLL baby!