Saturday, May 31, 2008

Batting .1000

Oh how I love SOFTBALL!! We played again last night and even though I'm not very good, I had a blast. Last night I got two RBIs and hit twice! I am playing for the exercise and the camaraderie and I am getting a lot of both. It's a co-ed team from work and we're having a good time. I am not exactly thrilled with the 8:40pm start time (there are 3: 6:00, 7:20 and 8:40) it's still more exercising than I had before.

1 comment:

Mama's Place said...

OK Brenda, you need to update, you know I am blog stalker and I'm getting bored not reading any new posts.LOL

I'm glad you are doing so well on your new way of eating and all the rest...keep up the great work.