Friday, October 30, 2009

My buddy!

I have a brave new buddy named Lauren
When you see her smile, you'll be soarin'
such a beautiful girl
with once a head full of curls
but now it's a hat she's adornin.

Lauren has a icky affliction
her hair on her head it's affectin'
so the chemo she takes
still the smiles she makes
and her curls she donates with affection.

How can a beautiful girl with cancer be
the one who is inspiring me
to grow my hair long
and break out in song
knowing my hair will be donated with glee!

So to my dear buddy Lauren
whose giggles and smiles are a warnin'
no affliction can make
you a bad attitude to take
so please look on the bright side each mornin!

Love to you Lauren! Peace!


Mama's Place said...

Love the poem! She is a pretty special young woman. Glad you guys are buddies.

vicky said...