Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rain rain rain...

It's been raining for days....but not on my parade! LOL.
I'm not giving up on my exercise just because of a little water. When the weather gets bad and my head hurts from the weather changes, it would be so easy to skip it for the day. I'm not letting it get to me. I took walk yesterday despite the rain. I had a lucky break in the clouds and grabbed my walk. It's energizing. My husband won a small iPod (the clip shuffle) that's perfect for a walk. I loaded up all the songs from my video iPod on it and made a funky dance shuffle that's fun to walk to. I wish I could see the faces of the drivers who pass me on the road as I'm singing to whatever is playing! The best part is that I don't care what they think! I'm having fun, losing weight and feeling good.
Today I was craving chocolate in a bad way. It was a very strange feeling because I'm not a "sweets" person. I'd rather eat a fresh-out-of-the-oven loaf of sourdough bread and spread fresh butter on it than chocolate any day. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't had a secret "stash" in my office drawer! I grabbed a 100 calorie pack (Chips Ahoy) and that took care of my craving. It's great to have options. Another day.....another challenge.

1 comment:

vicky said...

I've always wondered how those packs tasted. Sounds like your lovely rain is our lovely snow. I wish I was living in the rain.