Friday, August 15, 2008

If patience is a virtue, I must not be very virtuous!!

I'm there.....the dreaded plateau. HATE it. I started this blog to talk about my weight loss and my successes/failures with it. This whole journey has been a mind game and I've been pretty successful despite my original thoughts of the contrary.
The past two months have been difficult because I've plateaued. Just sitting here with the same weight day after day. I really shouldn't complain but I'm
thisclose to hitting a big number! I'm at 49lbs gone and just itching to be at 50! When people ask, I round up to 50 because it's easier, but I know better. I know I've still got one pound to go to be there...ugh. Honestly!
I am happy about a few things: I've gone from a size 20 to a size 10! No more shopping in the PLUS size department!
I am finally smaller than my Driver's License weight! (Can't wait to get a new one!!!) I actually bought size MEDIUM shorts. Wow.
The upper part of my body is not cooperating (much to the happiness of my DH) and I wish it would be smaller as well. Can't have everything I guess.
I'm keeping up my daily power walks at work and continue to enjoy the IT cheerleaders. It's nice to have so many people cheering me on. Softball ends next weekend and I'll be getting back into Golf to make up losing out on that.

Thanks for reading....

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