Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday morning - 3 days away

I'm up this morning and heading to the LAB. Doc ordered some general blood tests to make sure I'm ready for surgery. Wish I had known that while I was at the doc's last week, I would have done it then!! Next stop is to go buy a sports bra. Not just ANY sports bra, but one that closes in the SMALLER. This will be very weird!! So, need to do a little shopping today and maybe a little pampering. A pedicure sounds lovely right about now.

Got my instructions from the Pre-Op nurse: Loose clothes, shirt that buttons in the front, put meds near my nightstand with crackers & water (to make sure I have something in my stomach before I take the meds, no matter the time), special soap to shower with before the surgery, and my favorite: Make sure the DVR & book shelf are full. I'm gonna be bored!! Actually, I took on a project while I'm home recuperating. One of the girls I work with is getting married and I'm doing the calligraphy for her invitations. I LOVE doing tedious work like that, very theraputic for me. Weird I know...I won't be starting that project for several days after the operation.

I got to see first hand yesterday what I may look like 10 years from now. I was very honored to be trusted with that.....and thrilled how good I may look. THANK YOU so much to my friend for sharing her experience with me.

Thanks for reading...

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